Saturday, April 2, 2011

Smarty Pants Will and Ben

This morning we were having bath time fun with the boys. I sprayed shaving cream on the walls to make shapes and then let them "draw" with it. Shaving cream is great for creativity. It's like finger paints!

The boys yelled out "circle, heart, triangle." And most of the time they were pointing to the right shape. Then they started to count and I thought my mom would fall down in shock (grandshe is visting this weekend!).

It went something like, "One, two, three, Five! High Five!" So we are forgetting the number four and technically high five isn't part of counting, but pretty impressive for our soon to be 20 month old boys.

They also love telling you different colors. While Will's favorite color seems to be blue, I make him say pink a lot just because he melts me when he scrunches up his face and blinks his eyes so hard when he says "Pinnnkkk!" Ben seems to be a big orange fan. If he isn't sure what color something is, orange is his fall back color.

They are learning something new everyday. We just love seeing what they will pick up on next.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love how you did shaving cream in the bath. SO cute! 2. How adorable and mazing is it that they're learning numbers, colors and shapes? WOW! and 3. I HEART that Ben's favorite color is orange. I'm sure that makes mama happy!
