Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Big Will

Loving the baby Quinn

Will the Artist
Wearing a bow tie for Jos.

Enough about Ben, let's talk about Will! This boy has style! Ever since his sister Josie got her new tie, Will has been dressing up too. When Josie requests him to wear a bow tie to their play dates, he doesn't hesitate...even if it doesn't match his outfit. What a brother!

But Will is more than the laid back boy that just goes with the flow. He seems to be the one that loves Elmo the most. Elmo has become an obsession at our house, and Will is definitely the leader in this craze. I've never heard the word Elmo repeated so many times in a 30 second time frame. Will also seems to be finding his inner artist. He enjoys coloring the most. In fact, last week he decided the white doors seemed bland. Once I sighed in relief that it came off, I loved his decoration.

Will is also getting his body parts figured out really well. Both boys know the basics, but Will seems to be catching on faster to parts like elbow, ankle, cheeks, and muscles (flexing his arms). Will loves his baby friends like Quinn and Lucy. He does a great job blowing them kisses and giving them hugs. What a guy!

It's all about me... Benny B

I thought today I'd write separate blog posts for the boys. I mean, they have to share so much in life as it is (a room, clothes, toys, bananas) why not let them have a blog post all to their own?!

So here goes...
Ben is talking up a storm these days. He repeats (or tries to repeat) just about everything we say. He does so many things right now that completely crack me up. For instances, the minute Beyonce starts singing "All the Single Ladies" Ben puts his hands up in the air and says "Oh Oh Oh, Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhh Oh Oh Ohh" Just like the chorus. Out of all the songs he could be singing, this is his favorite right now.

Ben has also is a love bug. He will charge up to me to give a hug and kiss then head back to whatever he is playing with. I am cherishing this as I'm afraid when he is 20 I might not get tackled for a hug... or if he does I might break a hip then. He loves to say "Heeeelllllooooo" as he comes around the corner. Or he'll get in a "Love you" fight. He points his finger at me out of no where and says "Luv you!" to which I respond, "Noooooo, I love you!" and we go back and fourth for a bit.

From day one Ben has been my boy. I absolutely love it since the other two tend to prefer dad. I finally got a kid that favors me! Don't get me wrong, Ben loves his daddy, but he does a great job of making me feel special.

"Luv you"

"Oh Oh Oh"