Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh what a week!

(Please read the title to the tune of "Oh what a night," by the Four Seasons).

The boys caught a virus Monday, April 4th for Ben and Wednesday, April 6th for Will. Billy was pretty much gone for the week, so it made for a long week! By Thursday I took the boys into the doctor to discover Ben's evolved into a double ear infection and a "really bad, really really bad infection on his tonsils". When a doctor says really bad multiple times you figure it must look pretty gross in his little throat.

During all of this, some pretty cool things happened too. On Monday, while Ben had a 102 temperature he decided it was a perfect day to "go" on the potty. Two days later when the virus hit Will, he had potty fever too and went. Pretty much once a day since then, they boys have been going on the potty. They are 20 months today, so we are pretty impressed!

They continue to grow their vocabulary. Some of their best sayings right now are:
show me (as they tug on your hand to have you go with them so they can show you something)
Come on (waving to each other to follow)
Where are you?! (when we are waiting for friends to come over)
Ohhhh Josie! (They love to call for her)
Mine (ugh... I don't like this one, but man do they love to say it!)
Okayyyyy (Ben especially does the long drawn out Ok)
Snuggle me (when they wake up from nap)

Happy 20 months boys!

Ben and Will - a tackle turned into a love hug.
Will was still having temps of 103 at Grandma and Grandpa's but what a trooper!
Beginning of the week, Will in his frog hat snuggling Emily
Ben wearing underwear after he went on the potty for the first time!
Ben burning up on the couch.

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