Monday, November 15, 2010

We love our sister!

Will and Ben adore Josie. Ben wants to do everything she does. She laughs and puts her head back and two seconds later Ben is doing the same. Josie goes down the stairs like a big kid and Ben refuses to scoot. He wants to walk down. Will likes his sister too. He doesn't always mimic her, but he Will give her his best smile, belly laugh, and lots of claps too.

There favorite thing to do with their sister is climb on her and wrestle her to the ground. Like the picture above. Will is still in his pajamas. This tends to be a daily occurrence.

Yesterday, Billy said to Ben "Where is your sister, where is Josie?" He goes running over to her and gives her a close line that knocks her to her feet. After that we decided maybe pointing to who we are looking for is a better option.

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