Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Almost 8 months...

I checked and rechecked and sure enough, the boys will be 8 months on Saturday. Wow. I can't believe how fast these 8 months have gone. Billy and I will be married 5 years on Friday and if you ask Josie how old she is, well she will tell you "two and three quarters". So yes, time is getting away from us. And now I intend to write in here as well as Josie's Journeys at least once a month. That seems like a reasonable plan... hopefully.

To get everyone up to speed on the boys, here are the highlights:
-They both army crawl, sometimes even get up on those hind legs, everywhere. They move towards everything they shouldn't have. Put a glass of water or my phone on the floor and the are more likely to get that than the 800 toys all around them. They have good determination when they see something they want.
-Will has a tooth coming in! It's bumpy little guy and the one next to it is on it's way. Ben should be right behind him.
-Ben is still slightly bigger, but when they wrestle it doesn't seem to matter. Yes they wrestle. They get into each others personal space like there is no tomorrow. Sucking on toes, eating hair/pulling it too, and crawling over each other. They giggle when they do this and they have both left marks on each other from scratches/war wounds.
-They eat cereal, veggies, drinks of water, puffs cereal, biter biscuits, and cheetos. The last two are the messiest
-They share a swing at the park. One faces one direction and the other the opposite. It's fun to watch them laugh and laugh in the swing.
-They LOVE big sister. She walks in the room and they light up. Flap their arms and giggle all at once. It's awesome.

Attached is a video of the boys just to give an idea of how big they are getting.

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